The clinic will re-open to clients on 1st Oct, but this is only for the rare event that online sessions are not an option. See chart below to check the steps that will be taken to make that assessment.
If an appointment is made certain safety protocols are in place:
- There will be a half hour gap between appointments to allow cleaning
- I will wear a face mask when I greet you at the door and remove it when I sit down behind the clear screen dividing the clinic room
- Hand sanitiser is provided on entering the building and entering the clinic room
- I’m afraid no comfy couch to lie on any more, nor any blankets, but a nice comfortable (wipe clean) chair with a foot stool is in place
- The window will remain open to provide ventilation (you might want to keep your coat on!)
- The toilets will be available, but if you can avoid using them would be preferred
- Only one person at each appointment (there will be no waiting area within the building for an anyone accompanying you)
- Payment must be made in full at least 24 hrs in advance of the appointment (preferably on booking to reduce administration)
- On booking you will be sent a link to this webpage and asked to confirm you have read and understood the safety protocols
- The day before the appointment you will be asked to confirm:
That they have not experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 10 days.
That no one in their household has experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days.
That they have not been asked to self-isolate as part of the Local Government Test and Trace program within the last 14 days.
I’m looking forward to seeing people in person again but only under the right circumstances until the threat of Covid is gone.
Steps taken to assess if in person therapy is appropriate: